miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

Molluscs in Tabladilla

José Manuel shows a poster about differents groups of Molluscs.

In this picture Gabriel shows to the class the shell of one of the biggest mollusc in the world.

Paca's story

Arthropods in Tabladilla

Gonzalo shows one of the spiders that he has in his collection.

Rodrigo has just shown a Brasilian spider to the class. The individual is conserved in alcohol mixed with water.

Antonio Cantelar is exploring the pupae and the adult of the red palm weevil (Rhycophorus ferrugineus).

jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Animal lovers in First of ESO L

Some pupils in First of ESO L are hunters and they have brought somethings very interesting. For examplo, Nacho Puig brought the hornes of a deer that he had found walking some months ago.

In this picture Mario shows one of the partridge that he has... But don't worry... Isn't alive.